Registered 501c3 Tax Exempt, Non-Profit Organization
We do not remember days; we remember moments.
~ Cesare Pavese
~ Cesare Pavese
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Testimonials Brochure Rainbow Bridge Mailing Address: Magical Muzzles and Manes 27958 Copper Crest San Antonio, TX 78260 979-777-9714 Special Links
![]() Cowboy with March of Dimes Poster Child, & Mom
Our mission has three foci: to help make the world better for individuals in need, to promote reading literacy, and to encourage humane treatment and care of all animals. 100% FUNDED BY DONATIONS, ~ 100% VOLUNTEER BASED Magical Muzzles and Manes' animal ambassadors are miniature horses and C.G.C. certified dogs offering gentle caresses from the softest of muzzles and the gentlest of hearts, while providing unconditional acceptance to special individuals needing a little "magic" in their lives! Our animals are specially trained as ambassadors of therapeutic animal interactive (TAI) activities. We are mobile and travel to events, schools, and facilities to visit with groups and organizations assisting individuals of any age who are experiencing mental, emotional, cognitive, or physical challenges, or who may be experiencing or have experienced transitions in health or lifestyle. We welcome opportunities to participate in community events and with community organizations!! Ask about our interactive educational presentations. We customize our visits to individual needs. "How do you spell LOVE?" ~Piglet "You don't spell it; you FEEL it!" ~Pooh Animals change lives. They give our young people confidence and self-esteem. They provide peace and tranquility to troubled souls. They give us hope! ~ Toni Robinson ![]() Let a horse whisper in your ear, and breathe on your heart... You will never regret it. ~Agnieszka Gulczyriska
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
~ Annonymous
~ Annonymous
All content, intellectual properties, and images are the copyright and property of Magical Muzzles and Manes, Inc, 2010-Present.
Logos within this site, on apparel, and accessories are the trademark and property of Magical Muzzles and Manes, Inc, 2010-Present.
Logos within this site, on apparel, and accessories are the trademark and property of Magical Muzzles and Manes, Inc, 2010-Present.